Petster (Press Release)

Petster: Philippine Canine Club Inc & Eastwood City Partnership Grand Launch Success
By: Cher Pauline Cruz
September 1, 2008

Way back in June of this year, Mr. Jason Alvarez, Marketing Manager and Ms. Lei Eugenio of Eastwood City visited our PCCI office for a meeting with our president, Mr. Augusto Benedicto Santos III and Board member Mr. Milo Valdes, to discuss their intent to be in partnership with PCCI in promoting Eastwood as a pet-friendly mall.

Both Mr. Alvarez and Ms. Eugenio are natural pet-lovers that’s why they were very excited about the partnership and PCCI was also convinced that Eastwood City could indeed carry out the vision and mission of PCCI as the internationally-recognized dog club in our country.

Last night, August 31, was the commencement of Petster (a wordplay between pets and the ever-popular networking in the web, Friendster): Responsible Pet Ownership Grand Launch held in Eastwood City Central Plaza. The said event was attended by almost 200 guests who brought their dogs with them and was hosted by none other than Eastwood City’s Marketing Manager, Mr. Jason Alvarez.

The audience attentively listened and actively participated in the talks facilitated by dog expert-speakers from PCCI. Opening remarks was delivered by PCCI’s 2nd Vice President, Mr. Roland Gapuz who came all the way from Baguio for the said event. The guest speakers were introduced by one of PCCI’s member, Mrs. Mildred Valdes of Valdes Kennels known for their miniature pinschers. The first speaker was Mr. Simon Sim, a past Phil. Rottweiler Club Inc president and known for the LionBear Kennel, his topic was Beginner’s Guide to Taking Care of a Dog. The next topic, Picking a Dog was discussed by PCCI Board member and Animal Scene Correspondent Mr. Johnny Filart, while the last topic was headed by Mr. Danny Ramillano, another PCCI Board member and a known German Shepherd Dog enthusiast.

After the talks was the unveiling of a podium officiating Eastwood City as a pet-friendly place by the PCCI, the authority in promoting pure-bred dogs in the country. The podium was unveiled by all three speakers assisted by Mr. Jason Alvarez and Mr. Roland Gapuz.

The audience enjoyed the seminars and freebies given away, most especially the picture-taking with their pets after the show. Due to the success of the said event, there are several events already lined-up for the month of September. You may check out PCCI’s official website for announcements and schedule of events:

This kick-off was just the beginning, expect more fun-filled activities tailor-fit for you, your dogs, and the celebration of your love for your pets particularly dogs.

For more information on PCCI and Eastwood City’s tie-up events call PCCI Office at 7218345 or email .

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